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Living Life in the Mid-West

     Welcome to the first blog post from here in the Mid-West! Yes, I have moved again as my husband acquired a sales job here in Indiana. It was quite an adjustment for my hubby as he has been a California boy all his life. However, this was a great move for us!      I believe it was time to reach out to the community that I live in and offer my organization services. What a great time as many are conducting their Spring cleaning, cleaning out closets, garages, cupboards, etc.      Some don't have any idea where to start and so the guest room door is kept closed, the cars there anxiously waiting to be parked in the garage are outside as the garage is full and those worn out clothes can't be replaced unless they are in that donate bag to the Goodwill.     So, does any of those descriptions sound like you? Are you stumped and have no clue where to start? Just go right ahead and contact me and I would be happy to make arrangements for a consultation.     Please stay tuned for

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