Keep It Simple - Keep Peace of Mind

     It's time that I finish the projects that I have started.  While waiting for a new job to start, I hope to get my business kicked into gear by finishing the projects 'I 'started.  My office is clean and organized, but my storage area needs to be adjusted.
Over the past few months, I was able to sell a set of slightly used fridge and stove, my son started driving his car again, so the balance of the storage items were brought to my garage.  That saved me $80 a month.  We took a couple of small piles to the dump and our garage looks pretty decent.
When deciding to save items, take into consideration if you will ever use these items again.  Can you think of someone, family or good friend that could benefit from that item more than you.  Perhaps you may decide to donate it to charity. 
The whole idea is to clear the clutter from your shelves, your closets, your rooms and to in turn, clear your minds of that clutter as well.


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